The holidays provide a rare occasion for much of the world to stop, ponder, and awe at the gift of human life and the joy of the family. Indeed, it is the very reason for much of the good cheer of the season.

We here at the CBC are grateful that you’re a part of our extended family and that you continue to partner with us to promote and protect human life at all stages. As we’ve recently highlighted, 2014 has given us many reasons to be grateful. As we bring this year to a close and prepare for the year ahead, I’d like to offer my top 5 reasons to continue to support our work this holiday season:

#5: While some scientists are celebrating the possibility of creating babies from three parents and other organizations are cheerleading efforts to weed out “less desirable children” through genetic testing, the work of the CBC serves as a clarion call to reject science and technological efforts that aim to kill and destroy the weak under the banner of progress.

#4: Long before Apple and Facebook were receiving criticism for offering to pay for women to put off childbearing and freeze their eggs, the CBC was on the record warning against the abuse of such technologies. It’s good to see that much of the world has finally caught up to what we’ve been saying all along.

#3: When groups and individuals who are protesting physician-assisted suicide and euthanasia are silenced by the powers that be, the CBC will always provide a platform (and sometimes a megaphone!) for their voices to be heard.

#2: The CBC has been recognized as one of the leading defenders of women and children by some of the world’s most respected legal experts. Consider these recent words from Princeton professor Robert P. George and former member of the President’s Council on Bioethics: “No one has been more determined—or fearless—than Jennifer Lahl in fighting against the exploitation of women in assisted reproduction. She is a modern day Joan of Arc. I can’t begin to say how deeply I admire her work and witness.”

#1: No other organization has received as much attention for promoting the consequences and harmful effects of reproductive technologies as the Center for Bioethics and Culture. In 2014 alone, we were feature in ABC News, the New York Times, the New York Post, and the Wall Street Journal, among countless other major media news outlets.

As we approach the end of the year, we know you have many giving opportunities available to you. We have a small team, but a large vision and great need. Thank you for any support you can provide.

The Center for Bioethics and Culture is a non-profit 501(c)(3) public benefit educational organization. All gifts are tax-deductible.


Author Profile

Christopher White, Ramsey Institute Project Director